Nintendo’s Avengers – Star Fox Meets Cloud
Christopher Ruiz has been making parody videos featuring Nintendo and Smash Bros characters. Krystal appears in some of them.
In this one, the scene is from Avengers: Infinity war, where the Star Fox Team makes up most of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy characters as they find Cloud Strife (who is portraying Thor) floating in space. The dynamic between Fox and Krystal is amazing.
Cloudrunner Fortress Testrun – Star Fox Event Horizon
In UndyingNephalim's ongoing development of fangame Star Fox Event Horizon, he presents this new CloudRunner Fortress level. An alternate path to the Walled City, a level we already covered, it's a chaotic scene that sees Krystal and Fox riding on the CloudRunner Kyte over the CloudRunner Fortress as they defend it from SharpClaws and even their own people. Voice acting hasn't been implemented in the level yet, but one of the things it does have is other forces than the ones you are actively fighting making actual progress through the level. Basically, stuff is happening even if you the player are not involved. Pretty detailed!
Estelle Ellis Has Signed Copies of Adventures

Estelle Ellis got her hands on a few Star Fox Adventures games (the PAL/European version) and is making them available as signed merchandise. Since I haven't heard back from her yet, I don't know what they will cost or how the shipping will be handled. Regardless, as of yesterday, there were still some available. Check out the original post and send her a DM if you're interested. She started working on this project back on February 23rd.
Dinosaur Planet: A Player’s Perspective of Today
YouTuber Jigglylookback recently released a video detailing his experiences with the released debug build of Dinosaur Planet combined with play a more recent fan build from this year called Dinomod Enhanced. He covers the details of what was broken, what's still broken, and the state of the game today. The video also covers the history of the game's development, how it compares to Star Fox Adventures, and a summary of the entire game's plot, so beware of spoilers!
To achieve find all this detail for his video, Jiggylookback did five streams where he played through the Dinomod Enhanced 2025 build of Dinosaur Planet. If you want to see the whole game, start to finish (not counting the still missing sections and features), you can watch these:
- Dinosaur Planet on N64
- More Dinosaur Planet on N64
- Even More Dinosaur Planet on N64
- Can We Make More Progress? Dinosaur Planet on N64
- The Home Stretch... Dinosaur Planet on N64
The fan community has brought the game to a much more playable state since the original release in 2021. I suspect with all the new N64 decompilation work going on lately, this game may be next to get the decompilation treatment. If that happens, fixes, adjustments, and mods for the game will become relatively easy to make.
If you're interested in following the ongoing fan development of Dinosaur Planet, there are at least two Discord servers you can join. If you're interested in the very cutting edge of modern Nintendo 64 development, check out the videos by Kaze Emanuar, who is currently developing an unofficial sequel to Mario 64 called "Return to Yoshi's Island". He's been using every trick in the book, and sometimes writing his own, to pull out the absolute maximum performance out of real N64 hardware, and it shows, with the Mario 64-like game running above 30 frames per second with tons more detail, better textures, better physics and movesets, and 15 brand new worlds. The game will be releasing sometime in 2025 or 2026 by my estimation. Here's an example video where he shows off his underwater dome level.
I've recently become very excited for the state of N64 development, with Dinosaur Planet, these decompilations, and the soon-to-be-released Analogue 3D, a high-end, system-accurate FPGA N64 clone that can do 4K video output.
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I had to go on a business trip where I got sick AGAIN (4th time in 2 months).
TechnicolorCosplay’s Krystal Cosplay Planned Appearances

Krystal cosplayer, TechnicolorCosplay (known for the Ice Krystal variant pictured above) will be appearing as Krystal at a couple of upcoming events. This cosplay should also include the version 1 staff that I helped produce.
First is this Saturday, February 22nd at the Fan Expo in Vancouver Canada. I'm told this Krystal cosplay will be taking the stage again this year.
Then, from March 7th through 8th, TechnicolorCosplay will also wear the Krystal cosplay at the Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle Washington.
Star Fox Assault Voice Acting Clips Released

I mentioned on the Star Fox Assault 20th Anniversary post that I was working on a secret surprise project. It took my entire weekend, but here they are! The complete set of Star Fox Assault voice acting clips, annotated and categorized. I posted them on where you can view and play them right in your browser. Future updates will allow searching, filtering, and other stuff like that. (I also made a small update to the visual style of itself.)
There's a total of 3290 clips, some of which are in Japanese or pure sound effects, but the vast majority are all the individual voice acting clips from the English version of the game. It even includes some unused clips and the versions used in the E3 demos with the REALLY bad voice acting.
Also, there are over 450 Krystal clips here!
Some of you long-time readers are probably thinking to yourself. "Wait a minute! Didn't he do that years ago?" Kinda. Back on February 26th, 2015, I asked for your help in annotating these clips using a Google spreadsheet. Most of the work was done within a couple weeks thanks to many volunteers. For those of you who helped, thank you so much!
Unfortunately, I noticed some inconsistencies. I started to go through them one by one to verify the clips. Alas, that was going to be a tremendous amount of work. So much work that I started putting it off longer and longer. Without realizing it, almost 10 years had gone by! But 2025 is my year of finishing unfinished projects, so this is one more off that long list! Hopefully more related stuff will get released soon. I have tons to do.
So enjoy! This is my way of celebrating Star Fox Assault's 20th Anniversary.
Gagnetar Working on Half Life 2 Krystal Mod V4
Small language warning for the video.
Gagnetar posted a quick update video talking about Star Fox Assault and his plans for the upcoming Half Life 2 Krystal mod version 4. He's working hard on releasing it to the Steam Workshop, along with back-ports of previous versions of the mod so hopefully the installation will be as simple as a couple clicks. Unfortunately, due to illness, it's taking him a bit longer than expected.
The mod itself will feature a new model that he says was highly requested. He did a bunch of custom editing to make the proportions more like Krystal's in-game appearance. There's new artwork coming to go with it, some of which he shows off in the video. Watch the video to get additional details on what's coming.
I'm not allowed to talk much more yet, but I will say that the mod's release is going to be very soon. Looking forward to it!
Star Fox Assault 20th Anniversary

Today's the day! Star Fox Assault celebrates its 20th anniversary since its release in 2005. I hope you have had a chance to appreciate the game.
I'm working on a surprise Star Fox Assault related project that I hope to release tonight. Something that's been overdue for a long time, because it's a lot of work. We'll see if I can finish it in time. Otherwise, sometime this weekend.
In the meantime, I wanted to point out other people celebrating the 20th Anniversary. There are others who are still working on their celebration projects for the game, but these have already been posted.
Takaya Imamura posted about the anniversary and expressed support for Star Fox Assault being re-released on Switch 2. (Also the 11th anniversary for Steel Diver.)
0013ysyk made a 20th Anniversary fanart. Very epic. The speed drawing video was also posted.
TriWarrior shows off an Assault fanart which me made recently.
James recounts that Star Fox Assault was his first Star Fox game and first video game EVER.
And lastly, I got permission to post this lovely Valentines fanart by ChocEnd.
Breath of the Wild Krystal Mod

Modder ToRiCoChi created this amazing Krystal mod for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. With the right items, you can play through the entire game as Krystal and even use her staff as your primary weapon.
Based on the Linkle mod, this Krystal mod replaces the Phantom Armor set with the textures, mesh, and animations to recreate Krystal, including ears, tail, hair, and clothing, as well as the physics modifications to make them all work seamlessly. In spite of being a blue fox creature, the citizens of the world won't be scared of her as they would with the normal Phantom Armor. The SixSage's Sword is replaced with Krystal's staff. Though it's a sword weapon, Krystal will use it as a staff weapon.
There's and alternate version of the mod also available for download called TuyoTuyo version, which makes the armor resist all weather effects (so you can always look like Krystal), makes it slightly stronger, and makes staff weapons not breakable so you can use Krystal's staff forever. ToRiCoChi really thought of everything.
You can download both versions from GameBanana. This mod is specifically for the Wii U version of the game. I really should try this!
Star Fox Event Horizon Cutscene: Chit Chat with Shears
UndyingNephalim has posted a new video for the Star Fox Event Horizon fangame and this one is a story cutscene. Shears, a terrifying villain from the official Star Fox comic Farewell, Beloved Falco, calls up Fox McCloud to "encourage" him to leave Sauria. Wouldn't want something to happen to his girlfriend, now would he?
How can one man be so intimidating and formal at the same time? Excellent writing, voice acting, and pacing here. Well done to all involved, particularly the voice actoring of Colonel Shears (Alex Ross) and Fox McCloud (Kyle Rhys Marsh).