A new Star Fox alternative game just started its kickstarter campaign. It has cats.
Lots of speedpaints from Psicoyote, and Krystal served as an inspiration to his art career.
Yes, I'm super late posting this. But if you haven't seen it, check out TerminalMontage's latest masterpiece! CHECKING G-DIFFUSER SYSTEMS INTENSIFIES!
The website now has a dark mode to ease the strain on your eyes, but it will increase the strain ON YOUR SOUL!
Shmuplations posted an old Nintendo Dream interview with Takaya Imamura about Star Fox, the Dinosaur Planet transition, and some insight into Krystal's design!
AustinMcConnell talks to the animation's creator while exploring copyright and how it doesn't allow for things like fanart or fangames, technically speaking.
Esphirian showed off a more polished and cinematic trailer for his open-world Star Fox Adventures remake fangame. TONS of stuff here.
Forest of Illusion archival team released a version of the game after Fox McCloud had replaced Sabre, but some characters still refer to him as Sabre and Krystal is playable.
Krystal with a giant sword? I'll take your entire stock!
It's been so long, and now we've got Smash news and who knows what else Nintendo's been hiding in their magical sleeves.