First Ayano Footage from Furry Fiesta 2015
Brian and I attended Furry Fiesta 2015 where we both recorded a ton of footage of Ayano as she walked around, posed for pictures, and interacted with con-goers. This was Ayano's first convention in the United States wearing her Star Fox Assault suit. Today Brian is releasing his footage: a short musical trailer and a video containing all of his footage, over an hour of fursuit paparazzi!
I will be releasing my footage in the next day or two. Look forward to that as well.
Satoru Iwata Passed On
President of Nintendo and iconic figure in the entire gaming world, Mr. Satoru Iwata, has passed away at age 55. His worsening health over the past couple years worried us, but he seemed to be fine until 2 days ago when a bile duct growth suddenly took his life. He will be missed dearly. I can only pray for his family and friends while hoping he is at peace.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in.
Star Fox Command is Out on Wii U
Star Fox Command has been re-released on the Nintendo Wii U eShop for $9.99. I recorded a short video review so you can see what it's like. Enjoy!
Reggie Provides Much-Needed Perspective
Coming from a Polygon Interview, Mr. Fils-Aime talked about how games are developed and how perception changes over time. Those of you upset about the new Star Fox game or convinced that this is the worse E3 showing ever, you have very short memories.
"Splatoon is a game that people are loving right now, but if you rewind to E3 last year, Splatoon was being viewed as, 'Yes, it's innovative and it's different, but the controls are a little hard and I don't understand the mechanic of turning into a squid and going through the ink.' There were all of these complaints. But now you look at the finished product and the satisfaction is huge."
As a game developer myself, I have to reiterate a saying in the software industry: "Listen to your users, but don't do what they say." People are very good at expressing that they are upset, but they are absolutely terrible at saying what they actually want. It takes innovative and creative people to try (and fail, and try again) to figure out what is actually fun. Before the original Super Smash Bros. was released, if Nintendo had tried to explain that they were going to make a fighting game with no health bars or KOs, almost no-one would have understood why that could be fun. Players would have demanded complex combo systems and gore. Now it's its own sub-genre of fighting games, one of the most popular games of all time. Games like "Sonic Boom: The Rise of Lyric", "Shadow the Hedgehog", and the movie "Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace" were made by doing what the biggest fans and focus groups said they wanted.
Star Fox Zero Officially Available for Preorder
Star Fox Zero (零) is already officially available for preorder at GameStop and Best Buy. It costs $59.99, like most other new Wii U games. The release date is listed as 12/31/2015, but it will more than likely be available either mid-November or early December.
Star Fox Command Coming to Wii U eShop
Nintendo just announced a bunch of release dates, including an eShop release of Star Fox Command on June 25th, 2015, less than 8 days away. Given Star Fox Command's touch screen-based controls, and the fact that flying in Star Fox games generally works better on the big screen, this version using the Wii U gamepad and your TV screen might actually be a superior way to play the game. No pricing available yet, but I'd estimate the price at around $10.
For those of you worried that Star Fox games after Star Fox 64 will get retconned because Star Fox Zero occurs in the same timeframe, take heart. They're not even retconning the least favorite Star Fox game of all. Now that GameCube games are also possible on Wii U, I wouldn't be surprised to see Star Fox Adventures or Assault appearing for download either. After all, both were Player's Choice games. I keep telling you guys: Nintendo doesn't make a business of pretending its old games never happened, they make a business out of re-re-re-releasing their old games.
Source. Thanks to Earth Being for the info.
Digital Event Video Up
In case you missed it, Nintendo has posted their Digital Event video where Star Fox Zero was initially revealed. See Miyamoto, Iwata, and Reggie as Star Fox character puppets too! Mr. Miyamoto also spends a while talking about the development of the game.
Star Fox Zero Media Released
They're showing off high quality images of characters, screenshots, and the vehicles. See these and many more on Nintendo's E3 page!
Star Fox Zero Trailer High Quality
Don't forget, Star Fox Zero comes out this Christmas!
Star Fox Zero Co-Developed with Platinum Games
Platinum Games, most recently famous for their work on Bayonetta 2, are the co-developers of Star Fox Zero. The director of Bayonetta 2 himself, Yusuke Hashimoto, is working on Star Fox Zero. Platinum Games are known for making extremely high quality games. Later today, they will be joining Treehouse Live to talk about the development of Star Fox Zero.