At least one post per day is the goal this year. New podcast episode will be recorded soon (first one in 5 years)! Send in your questions and comments.
I can't believe I missed the 16 year anniversary of the Krystal Archive.
That's gotta be some kind of record for fansites! Podcast next week.
The Star Fox Fandom would never be the same!
It's my birthday! Year-In-Review podcast recording tonight!
My longest running project continues into what will surely be it's most lucky year ever! Did you know that the Krystal Archive is older than the Nintendo Wii, Star Fox Command, and Pluto's downgrade to dwarf planet?
The amazing musicians over at are well on their way to a comprehensive Star Fox album, a first for this series.
The first polygonal game by Nintendo was released on this day 25 years ago. Well done, Fox! Here's to an even brighter future for the series!
A helpful hint for remembering Valentine's Day's Date: It's the same day Star Fox Assault was released in America.
Thanks for visiting and participating all these years!