Never had so much immediate attention from the gaming community. This post should clear up some assumptions and questions people have.
General Pepper advises new social distancing protocols and has closed the planet's border with outer space. Slippy Toad buys up toilet paper and inspires hashtag #PaperCaper.
Site updates shall resume. My advice is this: find ways to use the free-time or changing circumstances of this difficult time to improve yourself and others.
GoNintendo reveals this info.
My health issues will limit my site activity for a while. In the meantime, why not join our Discord server?
Watch the Nintendo NX be revealed on Thursday, October 20th at 7am PT/10am ET!
Join us for lots of E3 livestreams.
Another huge blast of Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard news and updates.
A TON of news came out recently about Star Fox Zero, and I'm catching up by posting it now. Sorry for the delay.