I have to agree. What a great game that no-one expected.
Never had so much immediate attention from the gaming community. This post should clear up some assumptions and questions people have.
🎵 It's the most wonderful time... of the gamer year! 🎵 E3 2021 is upon us. Check out the livestream tomorrow morning for the latest Nintendo reveals. Fingers crossed for Star Fox!
Shmuplations posted an old Nintendo Dream interview with Takaya Imamura about Star Fox, the Dinosaur Planet transition, and some insight into Krystal's design!
Forest of Illusion archival team released a version of the game after Fox McCloud had replaced Sabre, but some characters still refer to him as Sabre and Krystal is playable.
It's been so long, and now we've got Smash news and who knows what else Nintendo's been hiding in their magical sleeves.
The Star Fox Fandom would never be the same!
A couple days ago, a large amount of Nintendo N64 games and Star Fox 2 data was leaked. The Krystal Archive is, for now, only covering the fact that this leak occurred. Legal troubles for hackers are a certainty.
Never released in American press kits, the high resolution version of this elusive image was published early last year to the Star Fox Wiki.
Now that the 2014 game is available for the Nintendo Switch, is the Krystal easter egg still there?