Jacob Sorrells spent several months filming and editing a fan film of the opening scenes of Star Fox Adventures, making heavy use of cosplay, props, and forced perspective.
UndyingNephalim shows off full voice acting in his latest trailer. That Slippy voice is not what I expected!
4 new backgrounds in high resolution, including two really good looks at the Great Fox's bridge.
General Pepper advises new social distancing protocols and has closed the planet's border with outer space. Slippy Toad buys up toilet paper and inspires hashtag #PaperCaper.
The Star Fox team launches their ships into the fight above Fortuna. A new pre-rendered cutscene enhanced to 4K resolution.
Part 4: The surprising number of similarities to Star Fox.
Join me in speculating what might happen to Star Fox as an animated IP.
And lots of other prints featuring other Star Fox voice actors.
Peppy Hare had a little Easter Egg in the latest Star Fox Zero trailer.
A new video shows off a the infamous scene of Pigma's betrayal prior to other Star Fox games. UndyingNephalim now calls for voice actors to play characters in Star Fox: Event Horizon!