Valentine's Day is coming up, which is also Star Fox Assault's 20th birthday! Show your appreciation for the game, and Star Fox, by telling your story and showing creations with the hashtag #StarFoxAssault20th.
A human-style Krystal cosplay at Holiday Matsuri in 2022.
Based on ShadowSnake's mod, Light5585 added a totally new moveset and a bunch more!
Glowing brightly, the staff has interchangeable tips and is about 2 meters long.
The video is a chaotic assault charge of EarthWalkers, including Tricky ridden by Fox and Krystal. UndyingNephalim says this is the best level so far!
Two recent photos of Rubiinikettu in Krystal cosplay. She sent me a cosplay video a while back to post. I'll get to that soon. Sorry about that!
Luck Stat covers the game, its development history, and how it became Star Fox Adventures.
And a lot of us were there from the very beginning. Check out some content from UndyingNephalim and Jacob.
Jacob is once again about to release a short film recreating cutscenes from Star Fox Adventures. Check out the trailer.
In about an hour, Graphics Director and voice of Tricky will play the game on his Twitch channel!