See the cosplay at Vancouver Canada's Fan Expo this Saturday (Feb 22) and March 7-8 at the Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle.
The Dinosaur Planet Krystal cosplayer appeared at Youmacon 2022 and Isshocon 2025. Please help me find more info about this cosplayer.
Krystal fan and artist Dreamarts302 has done a couple of appearances as Dinosaur Planet Krystal.
A human-style Krystal cosplay at Holiday Matsuri in 2022.
Two recent photos of Rubiinikettu in Krystal cosplay. She sent me a cosplay video a while back to post. I'll get to that soon. Sorry about that!
Tom_MJCosplay updated their Instagram and Twitter accounts too. Good to see more from these two.
Check out what Version 2 looks like after painting. Great work on the cosplay!
New and vastly improved Staff tips are available for purchase for your Krystal and Fox cosplaying needs.
Jacob Sorrells spent several months filming and editing a fan film of the opening scenes of Star Fox Adventures, making heavy use of cosplay, props, and forced perspective.
Jacob is once again about to release a short film recreating cutscenes from Star Fox Adventures. Check out the trailer.