What it's like to play the latest Dinomod Enhanced build of Dinosaur Planet in 2025. Also covers the dev history and game plot.
Two more videos from UndyingNephalim, showing Fox and Krystal riding some dinosaurs while fighting hordes of enemies.
Playing catchup with the tons of footage UndyingNephalim released. Also, Event Horizon now has its own Patreon account with lots of exclusives relating to Krystal.
Star Fox Adventures, but with a much deeper story, tag-team Fox and Krystal gameplay, and Unreal Engine.
UndyingNephalim forces the old engine to do unconventional stuff in his slow journey to the completion of this massive fan game.
Krystal is now playable throughout most of the game, with some glitches still remaining. Amazing progress!
Who would win in this custom matchup?
GameXplain posted three videos detailing a lot more about the Star Fox content in Starlink. It looks great!
Everything we saw in the stream about the game, the Star Fox reveal, and Miyamoto's appearance.
Looks like there might be a fair number of small changes, making a much harder game than the ROM.