Based on ShadowSnake's mod, Light5585 added a totally new moveset and a bunch more!
Exciting news! For two levels at least, there's an Action Replay code that makes Krystal playable in Assault! Now to get her playable in the others.
It's been 18 years since January 6th, 2006 when the Krystal Archive first appeared online. Work kept me so busy during 2023 that almost nothing was posted. Sorry about that. Working on improving for 2024!
Playing catchup with the tons of footage UndyingNephalim released. Also, Event Horizon now has its own Patreon account with lots of exclusives relating to Krystal.
These gigantic figures are available now. They come in painted and unpainted versions.
Premiering at DerpyCon in New Jersey on Halloween weekend, this may be the first of its kind. Check out tons of WIP details in the post!
Halloween is here! Tactronaut's friend make him a Krystal pumpkin, and he shared it with all of us.
What's going to happen in the new year? Also, check out this beautiful Krystmas card!
20 custom Krystal emotes, how to get an invite, and where site commenting will go in the future.
The polycarbonate tube has been cut to length and colored blue. The lighting experiment failed, so it's back to the drawing board. Then 3D mockups of the tips.