Luck Stat covers the game, its development history, and how it became Star Fox Adventures.
And a lot of us were there from the very beginning. Check out some content from UndyingNephalim and Jacob.
Jacob is once again about to release a short film recreating cutscenes from Star Fox Adventures. Check out the trailer.
In about an hour, Graphics Director and voice of Tricky will play the game on his Twitch channel!
I kinda meant it as a joke, but here it is. Wow! Great job, Jacob!
Hostile + Friendly NPC Modes, Ragdolling, Eye Posing. All free on Steam Workshop.
Travel and work have prevented me from posting the remaining things, but I WILL get to them! Also, a warning about scams.
See the brutal events leading up to the game in this fully voiced short movie by Esphirian.
More than 11 minutes of footage (some of which is newly discovered content) and the over-the-top sounds of EFX for the music.
Well over 50 Krystal figures, statues, prints, buttons, plushies, all sorts of stuff! It's ridiculous!