Soil-licker got in contact with me about her Krystal cosplay. Plus, check the Dinosaur Planet Fox McCloud and new photos!
Each day this week I'll be posting about Krystal cosplay. New cosplayers, new info, behind-the-scenes. A bunch of stuff!
Christopher Ruiz's parody animation shows the Star Fox team acting a scene from Avengers Infinity War. Fox and Krystal's dynamic is great.
An alternate path for the seventh level in the Saurian Campaign, it's a wild fight above CloudRunner Fortress.
See the cosplay at Vancouver Canada's Fan Expo this Saturday (Feb 22) and March 7-8 at the Emerald City ComicCon in Seattle.
Quick video discussion of Star Fox Assault and some details of what's coming for the next version of the mod.
Play through the entire Wii U version of the Zelda game as Krystal, complete with her staff! Incredible work, ToRiCoChi!
How can one man be so intimidating and formal at the same time? Check out the cinematic from UndyingNephalim's project.
The Dinosaur Planet Krystal cosplayer appeared at Youmacon 2022 and Isshocon 2025. Please help me find more info about this cosplayer.
Valentine's Day is coming up, which is also Star Fox Assault's 20th birthday! Show your appreciation for the game, and Star Fox, by telling your story and showing creations with the hashtag #StarFoxAssault20th.